Position Title
Professor of Spanish
Position Title
Professor of Spanish
603 Sproul Hall
Mexican and Mexican American studies, migration and border studies, gender and sexuality studies, cultural and media studies, digital storytelling (community based participatory audiovideo production)
Principal Investigator: Humanizando la Deportación/Humanizando el Asilo
Deputy Director: Global Migration Center https://globalmigration.ucdavis.edu/
SPA 172: Mexican Culture
SPA 174: Chicanx culture
SPA 177: California and Latin America
SPA 201: Cultural Theory
SPA 230: Latin American Cultural Studies
SPA 232: Latinx Studies
- Brooke Kipling (SPA)
- Ross Hernández (COM)
- Elmira Louie (COM)
- Lucas Ruppel (SPA)
- Chandler Thompson (SPA)
Selected Publications
- Humanizando la Deportación: narrativas digitales desde las calles de Tijuana (coed. with G. Alonso Meneses), Colegio de la Frontera Norte (2023)
- Migrant Feelings, Migrant Knowledge: Building a Community Archive (editor), University of Texas Press (2022)
- Listening to Sicarios: Narcoviolence in Ciudad Juárez, 2008-2012 (coauthor with A. Chacón) Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- “Complejos industriales fronterizos globales: genealogías, epistemologías, sexualidades” coed. with C. Pérez, J. Guzmán, Tabula Rasa (2020)
- Sports and Nationalism in Latin/o America (coed. with H. Fernández L’Hoeste, J. Poblete), Palgrave Macmillan (2015)
- El cine mexicano “se impone”: mercados internacionales y penetración cultural en la época dorada (coauthor with M. Castro Ricalde), UNAM (2011)
- Los 41: novela crítico-social by Eduardo Castrejón (ed.), UNAM (2010)
- Diccionario de estudios culturales latinoamericanos (coed. with M. Szurmuk), SigloXXI/Instituto Mora (2009)
- Bandits, Captives, Heroines and Saints: Cultural Icons of Mexico’s Northwest Borderlands (author), U Minnesota Press (2007)
- The Famous 41: Sexuality and Social Control in Mexico, 1901 (coed. with E. McCaughan, M. Nasser), Palgrave Macmillan (2003)
- Mexican Masculinities (author) U Minnesota Press (2003)
- Hispanisms and Homosexualities (coed. with S. Molloy), Duke U Press (1998)
Journal articles and Book Chapters
- “Narrativas digitales con migrantes en situación de calle: reflexiones metodológicas” (with A.L. Calvillo), Errante: imaginarios migrantes en primera persona, A. Rodríguez, S. Prieto, coords., CENIT (2024)
- “Estudios culturales y proyectos colaborativos de impacto social” (with M. Szurmuk) in M. Cabrera, Marcos Monsalvo Ricci, eds. ¿Para qué sirven los estudios culturales? Cultura, política y poder en Latinoamérica, RGC Ediciones (2023)
- “The Lola Casanova That I Have Longed to Know” in Journal of the Southwest, “Dossier: How ‘Good’ Is Oral History? The Lola Casanova/Coyote Iguana Incident” (2023)
- “Saberes migrantes ante el albergue a la intemperie” (with M.J. Gutiérrez) in Revista Etcétera (U Córdova), “Dossier Intemperie: políticas de la voluntad y poéticas del cobijo” (2023)
- “Caravaneros as Citizens of the World” in S. Esch, ed. Central American Literature As World Literature, Bloomsbury (2023)
- “Community Engaged Migration Research” (with J.A. Del Monte) in D. Castillo, M. Castillo Planas, eds. Scholars in Covid Times, Cornell U Press (2023)
- “Contemporary Stories of Deportation and Migration” in D. Castillo, M. Szurmuk, eds. Latin American Literature in Transition: Vol. 5 (1980-2017), Cambridge (2022)
- “Migrantes en Tijuana frente al covid-19: impactos y consecuencias de las medidas sanitarias desde la perspectiva de los actores” (with J.A. Del Monte) in Ó. Contreras, coord. Ciencias sociales en acción: respuestas frente al COVID-19 desde el norte de México, Colegio de la Frontera Norte (2021)
- “Migrant Autonomy and Willfulness Amidst the Onslaught of the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Tijuana Border” (with J.A. Del Monte) in Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture (2021)
- “Introducción: La historia insólita de la caravana migrante de 2018 y del hondureño Douglas Oviedo” (with A. Silva) in D. Oviedo, Caravaneros, Festina (2020)
- “Crueles deportaciones: masculinidades, infrapolítica” in Anclajes (2020)
- “Thickening Borders Across Mexico: Follow-up Stories from the Caravan” in Latinx Talk (2020)
- “Oscar Wilde in Mexico: Keeping the Scandal Alive” in Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies (2020)
- “The Humanizing Deportation Archive” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, W. Beezely, ed. (2020)
- “Making Sensation and Sense of the Migrant Caravan of Fall 2018” Partes I/II in Latinx Talk (2019)
- “Trayectorias fronterizas más allá del boom” in Revista Iberoamericana (2018)
- “Ethics, Collaboration and Knowledge Production: Digital Storytelling with Sexually Diverse Farmworkers in California” (with T. Lizarazo, D. Tenorio, D. Pardo, E. Oceguera) in Lateral (2017)
- “¡Ay, mi soledad! Mexican Solitude Beyond the Labyrinth” in Modern Mexican Culture: Critical Foundations , S. Day, ed., U Arizona Press (2017)
- “The Gender and Sexuality Turn” (with M. Szurmuk) in New Approaches to Latin American Studies: Culture and Power, J. Poblete, ed., Routledge (2017)
- “Almost-Latino Literature: Approaching Truncated Latinidades” in The Latino Nineteenth Century, R. Lazo, J. Alemán, eds., NYU Press (2016)
- “Popular Narratives: Telenovelas, Corridos, Historietas and Other Literary Pursuits” (with M. Castro Ricalde) in A History of Mexican Literature, I. Sánchez Prado, A. Nogar, J.R. Ruisánchez, eds., Cambridge (2016)
- “La condición postmexicana ante la ‘restauración’” in Roger Bartra ante la crítica, M. Moraña, I. Sánchez Prado, eds., Fondo de Cultura Económica (2015)
- “John Rechy’s (Los) Ángeles: Some Queer Mexican Intertextualities” in The Textual Outlaw: Reading John Rechy in the 21st Century, M. Martín Rodríguez, B.
- Hernández Jason, eds., Bibl. Benjamín Franklin (2015)
- “Mariano Azuela and the ‘Brown Scare’” in Literal Magazine (2015)
- “Migración, comodificación, memoria: el caso insólito de Martín Ramírez” in A Contracorriente (2014)