Marta Altisent

Marta Altisent

Position Title
Professor Emerita of Spanish

424 Sproul Hall

Education and Degree(s):

  • PhD Spanish, University of Illinois
  • B.A Universidad de Barcelona, Spain

Research Interest(s):

  • Literary criticism
  • Spanish Modernist writers
  • Catalan Literature
  • Gender Studies
  • Ecocriticism

Selective Publications:
Books on the short-story and journalistic prose of Gabriel Miró, Spanish late 20th-century
Erotic writing, and Max Aub’s Mexican short stories; co-authored compilations of 20th century
Spanish literary biography and Modern Peninsular fiction studies; articles on Galdós, Clarín,
Unamuno, Jiménez, Rusiñol, Rodoreda, Mendoza, Goytisolo and Bustelo, among other.

Current Project
A book on the projections/reflections of nature and rural life in a selection of contemporary
Spanish novels and travel writing.

